AETHER SIDE — теория о рождении человека, после того, как его душа пройдет определенные испытания. Придумана психологом Дэвидом Келевски и отвергнута им, как бредовая. Нескольким позже Дэвид оказывается в коме и ему предстоит пройти через мир, в существование которого он не смог поверить.
This is the story about a couple David and Maria Kelewsky. David is middle-aged psychologist, probably one of high-payed ones, Maria's job and age are unknown.
One day David invents his theory «Aether Side», with creatures, elder God and testaments inside of it. Aether side is a very special place for a human, before the birth: this is where human finds his body, subconsciousness, motive for life and soul. After coming through Aether, a human is born. David faith in his theory was strong, though he developed the whole thing just for fun.
After realising that this theory is just fake, he cancels it. Then he tells Maria of some strange person with no ID, who told David of «Aether Side» (prologue).
In 5 days David is fully obsessed by his schizophrenia and dives into coma, where he finds his Aether side. At Aether side he is a stranger, not a creator, because he cancelled it. That is the reason, he can neither create an Exit nor quit the Aether.
David is doomed to stay at Aether side forever, or end up there, if his wife and doctors cancel his life (epilogue).
Последний раз редактировалось ress 31 Август 2007, 02:55:26, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
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